406 3rd St. NE, Dilworth MN, 56529

Category: Our Stories

A Christ Centered - Home Focused Community of Faith

Sharing God’s Love

“I was looking for something with more overt spiritual ties, more quiet ways that I might live my faith, in places that fit me. Instead of just talking about my faith, I wanted to demonstrate it for others. I think the church is anywhere people are.”

Connected Through Music

“Being in the church choir for most of my life has kept me connected with God and the church.”

A Life Enriched by Faith

“Church has enriched my life,” he said. “When I was young ‘I had to go’ to church, now ‘I get to go’ to church! It gives me substance and hope.

Passing on Resilience in Faith

“I experienced the power of the church to support her family through tragedy. I was held by God in my loss and ever since, I’ve known that God’s love bring comfort, even in the most devastating situations.”

At Home in the Church

“For as long as I remember, Dilworth Lutheran was a place where I feel I belong. I feel comfortable and safe here.”

Leading a Life in Service

“My faith has helped ground me, and it’s also given me wisdom to face uncertain situations. It’s important to generously serve others without losing yourself. I’m reminded that I need to think about God not just when I’m sad, but to connect with Him to do the right things.”

Serving with Many Gifts

“By serving, I have found that in the giving I have also received. As I work for the church, I have also received many gifts of faith and friendship.”

Happy Where You Are

Despite the constant moves, Irene thrived in an environment that was new: new jobs, new people, new cultures, new living situations and new cats. When asked, “Where were you the happiest?” Irene replied, “Be happy where you are at!”

Inspired to Keep Growing Faith

“What I love most is the way so many people get involved. People love this church, and they continue to inspire me to become more involved. There is something here for everyone.”

Love God Love Neighbor

“My family’s move to Dilworth could have been a lonely and difficult transition. Instead, I found a family at Dilworth Lutheran Church.”