Excited for the Future

If you are around Dilworth Lutheran, you are bound to bump into Lisa Grafstrom. She teaches Sunday School, serves on the Youth Committee, Church Council, and, when summer comes around, she helps lead the youth on mission trips and Habitat for Humanity builds.
“I love this church,” she says. “When we were first married, I was drawn to the small size and to Pastor Mark’s sermons. Since we have had kids, Dilworth has been a wonderful place to raise a family in faith.”
As her girls have grown up in the church, Lisa and her family have enjoyed getting to know all of the great people of Dilworth Lutheran Church. “I love how the church is a true community. The older members always support the youth programs through their generosity. The youth are able to serve meals to everyone. My daughters have met people they wouldn’t meet anywhere else.”
Today, Lisa sees great things ahead for Dilworth Lutheran. She loves Pastor Elizabeth and her leadership. “Pastor Elizabeth’s positive personality has helped grow the youth programs and revitalized our worship. Our small church now feels lively and energetic. Elizabeth delivers great messages like Pastor Mark and she advocates for the church.”
Because of the generosity of the congregation, Lisa has found a second family at Dilworth Lutheran Church. “We are so grateful to be a part of this congregation. God is working here.”